We sell FAST + CHEAP. The BEST Persian kitten and Angora kitten race. [MOBILE VIEW]

We sell FAST + CHEAP. The BEST Persian kitten and Angora kitten race. [MOBILE VIEW]
JUST IDR 600.000 - 3.000.000. WORLD COORDINATE (WOCO)
Congratulations and Proud of receiving a special international award for the city of Surabaya East Java INDONESIA in GUANGZHOU INTERNATIONAL AWARD FOR URBAN INNOVATION 2018. Congratulations on the success of PERSEBAYA CHAMPION LIGA 2 Year 2017. Acknowledgements and to The Honorables : the Honorable Chairman of the United Nations, Chairman of the American Senator, Chairman of the Parliament of the Federation of Russia, Australia, Africa, Asia, Chairman of the people's representative Assembly of Indonesia, Chairman of the Indonesia people's representative Council, Chairman of the Financial Examiner Indonesia, Chairman of the Indonesia Ulema, President of the Assembly and the elected Government, the Chairman of the Regional Chamber of Commerce, Chairman and Vice of the Indonesia Best and community leaders throughout the worldwide. Warm regards always. Happy birthday (reduced life of the success as a real human being), the success of a new life, Sincere fasting and sacrifice perform multiply Best of Nobles "1" dignified iffah absoluted GOD and celebrate the New Year. Enjoy the delights "BACK'PO" 's KAMI. Forgive Big / Extended Family's Bodies and Soul. Selamat ulang tahun (berkurangnya umur kesuksesan menjadi manusia sejati), sukses menempuh hidup baru, ikhlas menunaikan ibadah puasa dan memperbanyak berkurban dalam KEYAKINAN MURNI MULIA AULIA BERMARTABAT IFFAH SEJATI ZAT 1 MAHA (Z1M) serta merayakan Tahun Baru. Menikmati kelezatan "BACK'PO" KAMI. Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin. We were not The Biggest but STEALTH The Best in The World Wide. Sale land for Hotel/tourism resorts, Bedali, Mace (Lawang) East Java. Indonesia. 30.000 square meters wide. The very lively too cheap affordable price of EUR € 321/meter. NEGO 08113380121. Need More Information About All Tourists Domestic until International ? You can get from "WORLD WIDE DIRECT INTERACTIVE CHATTING" or Public Relationship Call 622150176030 / 6281330670542 ( Raden Mas SETYA BUDI LATTO ). Faximiles 622150476030 / 623133172497 / 623133001724 / 62318706441. International HOTEL TEDJO MOYO ( TM ) - Group Tour and Travel sustainable expansion of domestic and foreign those Under Construction Please Surfing All Menu / Sign Clicks / Products ( Not all are ready but there will be published after the agreement and demand from guests or tourists ) from "" or "" click menu "Profile" run menu "Mentoring Tourist Expatriate" We will answer All Request or Question SOON. Countryside : International HOTEL TEDJO MOYO ( TM ) Open Escort or Hidden Privacies Mangkurat "Anggi Dwi" Panembahan Adventure Lodging ( MAD PAL ) Village Jalan Lawu KALISORO No. 61. RT 002 / RW 03, Tawangmangu Town / Province : Tawangmangu / Solo. SURAKARTA. POST CODE : 57792 . D. / L. : + 62271697149 . Sekipan Kalisoro, Tawangmangu, Karanganyar. Surakarta - Central Java. Professional Support Marketing Group . Home Stay and Adventure Club 6285647413053 ( Raden Mas Ngarso Dalem ) , 6281332454131 ( Raden Mas Rustanto ) , 6285854493435 ( Raden Mas Yoppy Angga Deberta) , 6289609132699 ( Raden Mas Rusbiantono ) . Expatriates refreshing mind, calm yourself, spending time, diet, stay and adventure with comfort and satisfying service, presented the beauty and sincerity of heart. The scent of love, presence, polite and peaceful atmosphere accompanied by music and Modern Javanese delivers local and international visitors taste linger long enjoyed the beauty of the Royal Palace Surakarta, Thousand Splash ( Grojogan ) Waterfall, Swimming Pool, Mountains Lawu, Sarangan Lake, Mountains Bromo, beautiful Islands of Bali and wonderful Island Lombok until atmosphere Island Papua etc. Thanks You Guest Bye Bye Nice to meet you. Good Luck (by : Commisaries)
Hello KOMPLOTAN COPET dan JAMBRET Surabaya dan sekitarnya. KAMI MEMBELI HARGA TINGGI : Sebuah tas ransel warna merah, laptop merk HP warna merah {Serial Number CND4503ZMP . HP NB PAVILION 11-N028TU x360 Red Intel N2830. Cel 11.6 500 4 Intel HD No DVDRW HDMI Win.8.1 . PO11261570 (B/D 09/12/14) HT15001900 . 753643 - BW1V02 . M141030 VER.02} dan dompet warna merah. Hubungi Non Governmental Organization (NGO) PERKUMPULAN PEMUDA PEDULI INTERNET DATA ELECTRONICS (IDE) Aditya Taruna 02150176030 03133172497 08113380121 Waktu Kejadian CCTV. Lampu Merah Nginden - Panjangjiwo. Pukul 17.00 WIB . Tanggal 02 Bulan Oktober 2015 . Hai Gang Muggings and Pickpocketing Surabaya and surrounding areas. We bought a high price: A duffel bag red, HP brand laptop red {Serial Number CND4503ZMP . HP NB PAVILION 11-N028TU x360 Red Intel N2830. Cel 11.6 500 4 Intel HD No DVDRW HDMI Win.8.1 . PO11261570 (B/D 09/12/14) HT15001900 . 753643 - BW1V02 . M141030 VER.02} and Red purse. Contact Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Assembly of Youth Care Internet Data Electronics (IDE) Aditya Taruna 02150176030 03133172497 08113380121 . The Time Of Occurrence Of CCTV. Red Light Nginden-Panjangjiwo. At 17:00 GMT. Date of 02 October 2015. Thanks You Guest Bye Bye Nice to meet you. Good Luck (by: Commisaries)
Any purchases to us (This WebSite) minimum IDR 50.000.000 (All Products) get bonus free stay with rooms at the star GOODWAY hotel in Bali - Batam overnight apply multiply. Setiap pembelanjaan kepada kami (WebSite ini) minimal IDR 50.000.000 (Semua Item Produk) mendapatkan bonus menginap gratis dengan kamar istimewa di hotel berbintang GOODWAY di Bali - Batam selama semalam berlaku kelipatannya. SELL CHEAP !!! KITTENS ANGGORA - PERSIA PURE IDR 1.000.000 - 3.000.000 / TAIL . SELLING DOG POM POM, PITBULL, DOBERMAN, AND POODLE . SELL MAZDA RED COLOUR SEDAN CAR CHEAP IDR 27.000.000 . AND RENT - LEASED PROPERTY STAND - SHOP AT THE MARKET CLOSE CHEAP SEDATI JUANDA . NEGO . CONTACT SELLER "VETERINARY" 622150176030 / 623133172497 . M. 628113380121 . F. 622150476030 / 62318706441 / 623133001724 WITHOUT INTERMEDIARIES . JUAL MURAH !!! ANAK KUCING ANGGORA - PERSIA MURNI IDR 1.000.000 - 3.000.000 / EKOR . JUAL ANJING PITBULL, POM POM, DOBERMAN, DAN POODLE . JUAL MOBIL SEDAN MAZDA WARNA MERAH MURAH IDR 27.000.000 . DAN DISEWAKAN PROPERTI TOKO - STAND DI PASAR SEDATI DEKAT JUANDA MURAH . NEGO . HUBUNGI PEMILIK / PENJUAL "VETERINARY" 622150176030 / 623133172497 . M. 628113380121 . F. 622150476030 / 62318706441 / 623133001724 TANPA PERANTARA . Thanks You Guest Bye Bye Nice to meet you. Good Luck (by: Commisaries)

Perhitungan Pajak Impor dan Bea Masuk Barang dari Luar Negeri ke Indonesia

Perhitungan Pajak Impor dan Bea Masuk Barang dari Luar Negeri ke Indonesia

Oleh : Direktur Utama NRi PSM Group international Corporate

Saya harap tulisan ini  mengenai Cara Perhitungan Pajak Impor dan Bea Masuk Barang dari Luar Negeri ke Indonesia dapat memberikan gambaran besaran yang harus di bayar ketika mengimpor barang dari luar Indonesia atau Luar Negeri. Jadi sebelum membeli barang di toko online seperti ebay, aliexpress, amazon, yeasia, dan toko online lainnya selain harga barang , perhatikan juga biaya ongkos kirim (biaya pengiriman) , dan tak lupa kurs mata uang yang berlaku. Dan tentu nya juga dengan biaya pajak yang akan di kenakan atas pembelian barang impor.
Rumus dasar perhitungan  Pajak Impor dan Bea Masuk  adalah sebagai berikut:
Harga Barang = Cost ( C )
Asuransi = Insurance ( I )
Biaya pengiriman / Ongkos kirim = Freight (F )

Bea Masuk = (CIF – USD 50 )   x tarif bea masuk 
Tarif bea masuk ini bervariasi tergantung jenis barang , bisa  0%  5%  10%  dan seterus nya. Bisa di lihat di BTBMI / BTKI
Apabila komponen CIF tidak lebih dari USD 50 maka tidak di kenakan Pajak Impor.
PPn = ( CIF – USD 50 + bea masuk ) x 10 %
PPh = ((CIF – USD 50) + bea masuk ) * 7.5%
Pajak Impor = Bea Masuk + PPn + PPh
Rumus di atas adalah metode perhitungan melalui kiriman Kantor Pos

Anda membeli buku musik di dengan harga barang $ 70 USD , tanpa asuransi dan biaya pengiriman $ 30 USD sehingga nilai CIF adalah ( 70 + 0 + 30) = $100 USD
Bea Masuk  = ( 100 – 50 ) x 0 % = $ 0 USD
PPn = ( 100 – 50 + 0 )  x 10 % =$ 5 USD
PPh =  ( 100- 50 + 0 )  x 7.5 % =$ 3.75 USD
Pajak Impor = 0 + 5 + 3.75 = $8.75 USD
Asumsi $1 USD = Rp 10.000 maka Pajak Impor tersebut adalah 8.75 x 10000 = Rp 87.500 , –

Untuk lebih jelas nya , seperti di bawah ini komponen nya.  Sumber dari sini

contoh detail biaya pajak impor bea cukai

Semoga informasi mengenai cara perhitungan pajak Impor dan Bea Masuk Barang dari Luar Negeri ke Indonesia bermanfaat untuk Anda.
